There simply isn’t enough room for me to work from home. We have a small office that my husband uses 3 days a week and to be quite honest, I like the change of scenery for work. I like ‘going to work’. It helps me to switch off from a never-ending pile of washing and pots at home so that I can concentrate on Rainbow Tree Box jobs. It also helps me to switch off from the never-ending list of jobs involved with Rainbow Tree Box.
I’m very grateful that Mum and Dad let me have this space as its big enough for all the different jobs that I do.
I have a desk set up for admin tasks such as working on my website, writing articles, and making orders. I also use this desk space to create examples, make how to videos and Mind Map ideas.
There’s lots of storage space up here for organising stock, as well as worktops for a box packing production line. There’s space to print and chop the ideas and inspiration sheets and wall space to display ideas and examples of previous arts, crafts and keepsakes.
The loft is bright and lets in lots of natural light to help me to create beautiful display photos. It’s nice and quiet with no distractions too, so I can listen to Podcasts and watch training videos to help develop my skills set as a small business owner.